Obesity Rates and Risks
Obesity Rates And Risk In the United States
In 2001 the US Surgeon General called the nation to action to prevent and decrease obesity and overweight in the American population. Ten years later, the childhood obesity epidemic is a national health crisis. Today, one in every three children (31.8%) ages 2-19 are overweight or obese. Studies show that obese children grow up to be obese adults.
It is estimated that one third of all children born in the year 2000 are expected to develop diabetes during their lifetime. Overweight children are at risk for significant physical and emotional difficulties.

Physical problems include:
- RType-II diabetes
- Rsleep apnea
- Rheart disease
- Rasthma
- Rorthopedic problems
- Rhypertension
- Rmalnutrition
Psychological consequences include:
- Rlow self-esteem
- Rpoor social functioning
- Rdepression
- Rbody image disturbance
- Reating-disordered behavior
- Rbehavior problems

In schools it has been found that heavier children tend to be absent more often than their underweight or normal weight peers. Poor academic performance is also associated with children who are overweight or obese.
If overweight or obesity continues into adulthood, the physical and psychological problems will follow along with long-term complications.
More than one-third of U.S. adults are obese. According to the 2009 CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS), 35 States have adult obesity rates over 25 percent. In nine of the 35 states over 30 percent of the adult population are obese. The struggle to lose weight as an adult is a difficult task. It means changing life-long unhealthy habits and many adults are unsuccessful in maintaining weight loss.
If current trends continue, 100% of US adult population will be overweight by the year 2048.
Future projections of overweight (BMI > 25 kg/m2) in US adults
Year when the prevalence will reach | ||||
GENDER | ETHNICITY | 80% | 90% | 100% |
All | All | 2022 | 2035 | 2048 |
Men | All | 2020 | 2035 | 2051 |
Women | All | 2022 | 2030 | 2044 |
Women | Non-Hispanic Black | 2006 | 2020 | 2034 |
The prevention of childhood obesity is the key. The Oliver Kids Team® is a program that starts kids on the right path at an early age. The Oliver Kids Team® is based upon our seven simple healthy messages. Small steps lead to big changes. Incorporating these messages and activities into your life will help you and your family MAKE HEALTY CHOICES FOR LIFE!